
You will learn how to build configuration with Microconfig.


Get Example Config

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                    git clone https://github.com/microconfig/microconfig-quickstart.git
                    cd microconfig-quickstart

Or just download and unzip it directly.

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Config Structure

Our configuration example has 2 services:

  • payments-backend
  • payments-frontend

Services are combined into payments group.

We have environment specific values for 2 environments:

  • dev
  • prod

Each service expects 3 files:

  • application.yaml - application config
  • deploy.yaml - deployment config
  • logback.xml - logging configuration


Examples assume that you run your build in quickstart repository dir.

Generate configuration for a service in a specific environment

Let's generate configuration for payments-backend service in dev environment.

                microconfig -r . -e dev -s payment-backend

                Filtered 1 component(s) in [dev] env.
                Copied 'payment-backend' template ../log/logback.xml -> logback.xml
                Generated payment-backend/application.yaml
                Generated payment-backend/deploy.yaml

                Generated [dev] configs in 265ms


  • -r . specify root dir (optional)
  • -e dev generate for dev environment
  • -s payments-backend generate for payments-backend service

As a result Microconfig created build folder with dev configs for payments-backend.

                └── payment-backend
                    ├── application.yaml
                    ├── deploy.yaml
                    └── logback.xml

Generate configuration for a group in a specific environment

Let's generate configuration for payments group in prod environment.

                microconfig -e prod -g payments

                Filtered 2 component(s) in [prod] env.
                Copied 'payment-backend' template ../log/logback.xml -> logback.xml
                Copied 'payment-frontend' template ../log/logback.xml -> logback.xml
                Generated payment-backend/application.yaml
                Generated payment-backend/deploy.yaml
                Generated payment-frontend/application.yaml
                Generated payment-frontend/deploy.yaml

                Generated [prod] configs in 325ms


  • -e prod generate for prod environment
  • -g payments generate for payments group

As a result Microconfig created build folder with prod configs for payments group.

                ├── payment-backend
                │   ├── application.yaml
                │   ├── deploy.yaml
                │   └── logback.xml
                └── payment-frontend
                    ├── application.yaml
                    ├── deploy.yaml
                    └── logback.xml

Generate configuration for all services in a specific environment

Let's generate configuration for all services in dev environment.

                microconfig -e dev

                Filtered 2 component(s) in [dev] env.
                Copied 'payment-frontend' template ../log/logback.xml -> logback.xml
                Copied 'payment-backend' template ../log/logback.xml -> logback.xml
                Generated payment-backend/application.yaml
                Generated payment-backend/deploy.yaml
                Generated payment-frontend/application.yaml
                Generated payment-frontend/deploy.yaml

                Generated [dev] configs in 326ms


  • -e dev generate for dev environment

As a result Microconfig created build folder with configs for all services defined in dev environment.

                ├── payment-backend
                │   ├── application.yaml
                │   ├── deploy.yaml
                │   └── logback.xml
                └── payment-frontend
                    ├── application.yaml
                    ├── deploy.yaml
                    └── logback.xml


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